I'm a failure. I love being one because everytime I fail, I learn.l something new.
I failed numerous times. There are somethings which I left.
Yes, I have my weaknesses and I'm proud about them.
There are numerous things I learnt only after failing and I bet one can never learn without failing.
There are some things which I choose over a better future. I don't regret. Because those things matter to me, they give me bloody satisfaction when I sleep, that yes I've prioritised my life properly.
I've spoken to people about how better my life could be, and given the way I just speak but never implement things, people think I'm just a person who talks.
There's something people don't realize.
I struggle in my daily life. I learn things in a very hard way. And when I implement the things I learnt in a hard way and when I succeed, the satisfaction I get is enormous.
I may be written off as a failure today because that is what I am. I may be rejected by 10,000 people. But I'm hopeful of a tomorrow, when I'll see myself successful, and a10,001st person accepting me.